Our VIsion

Welcome to Millennium Engineering Private Limited

Achieving excellence in auto parts manufacturing and implementing world class manufacturing standards by striving for social and economical development of our society.


Some of the partners & clients we’ve worked with


MEPL in numbers




Our Story

Company history and

Brief history

Our story began in 1993 inside a small 1500 square feet space in Karachi, Pakistan.

Our Aproach

Reliable Quality

Efficient Management

Comparative Cost

On-time Delivery



MEPL has vowed to never compromise on its standards which has been acknowledged by our clients throughout our history.


Millennium Engineering has always been recognized for its quality in the automobile industry.

Our Skills

Providing solutions of every kind, from start to end

We produce a variety of different automobile parts which has allowed us to hone our skills in various areas.


"Our team of professionals and skilled human resource is the key for opening the doors of success to our organization. We call them our assets and strongly believe in providing them peace of mind to produce their best. The prime target of our key managers is to ensure the healthy and peaceful working environment in all areas with consistency."


Syed Abid Raza

Our location

Our manufacturing facility is located in the SITE II industrial area of Karachi Pakistan.

A-49, Phase 1, SITE II, M-9, Lawyers' Colony Phase 1, Karachi, Karachi City, Sindh

+ (92) 213 688 0117

+ (92) 213 688 0119

Our location

Our manufacturing facility is located in the SITE II industrial area of Karachi Pakistan.